- Open Inkscape
- Type in Arabic
- Convert Object to Path from Path Menu (Shift + Ctrl + C)
- Create New layer (Shift + Ctrl + N) – Name it Layer 2 – Above Current
- Select Freehand Tool (F6)
- Draw the shape of written word on it (on Layer 2)
- Open Object > Fill and Stroke window (Shift + Ctrl + F)
- Change Stroke paint color – to Green or Red
- Change Stroke Width to Cover the actual written text
- If any part of the written text is still seen from beneath the Stroke adjust the nodes by using Edit Paths Tool (F2)
- Make all the Strokes Transparent by reducing the Opacity to “0” in the Fill and Stroke Window.
- Save the file as SVG.
- Import in Video Scribe and See the magic.
Softwares needed:
Inkscape (Free):
Sparkol Video Scribe (Subscription based)